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News 001: 12th May 2003

Yorkshire 1 Lancashire 0

Competition organiser, Steve Kidd, appropriately won the first ever competition and the £50 first prize at the Mill House, Gildersome, West Yorkshire.

Quizzers from all four corners of the country (Pontefract, Chorley, Altofts and Gildersome) thrashed out ten fantastic matches on the day that Bolton stayed up.

Remarkabley there were three games which went to the last question (including two of Kidd's four). Three of the players had established 'form', Darren Martin, Chris Jones and Steve Kidd all having participated on TV shows.

Chris, Lee, Darren, Don, Steve

Next Competition

The search is now on for future venues. The provisional dates for future games will the last Sunday of every month, So we are aiming at somewhere west of the Pennines on 29th June. Email me if you have any good ideas. If you know a landlord who wants to sell a load of meals and gallons of alcohol it might be the kind of thing they want.

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