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Light Speed Individual Open Buzzer Quiz:

History and Philosophy

Who is the best quizzer in the UK? Where can you go if you like quizzes with lots of questions without being patronised. Why are we so self-effacing about quizzes?

The Light Speed Open Buzzer Quiz was set up to answer some of these questions. As of the end of November after seven games it has not answered all of them.

After posting mails on the, ukgameshows and BCQ message boards, the first event took place at the Mill House, Gildersome, West Yorkshire on the 11th May 2003, the first game was between Lee Warburton and Don Purdy, and the first winner was Steve Kidd. They can't take that away from me!!!

The philosophy is keep it simple and exciting (first to 25 points), keep it interesting (winners take all entry money) and keep it tempting (previous winners give a one point start for every £100 they've won). Because the games are head to head, the standard of questions is not critical.

The analogy would be drawn with golf, in that it is possible, through a robust handicapping system, for players of most levels to compete with each other, hopefully without detracting from their enjoyment. There is no 'tailoring' of questions to make them either easy or difficult to accommodate players, after all, if you were going to play golf with Tiger Woods would you rather play at the Augusta National, Scarborough sea front pitch and putt or would you settle for either?

For the first seven games the quiz was taken 'on the road' once a month, and reports of those games in Yorkshire, Merseyside, Oxfordshire and Kent can be found in the news sections. From November 2003 the format will be available for any keen quizzers via one of these channels

  1. Go to the Mill House (aka the Ferryboat), Stanley Ferry, West Yorkshire on a friday night. 'Phone (01977 790268) or Email first and I can ensure we have a competition according to the established rules and handicaps.
  2. Pay me 50p per mile in one direction, or arrange accomodation for me and my kids (or both) and I'll bring it to you.
  3. Ask me to mail you when there is a one-off event somewhere.

For details of each session look at Results

The Hall of Fame is

Steve Kidd Pat Gibson Karl Wheelan Kevin Ashman

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