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Light Speed Individual Open Buzzer Quiz: News 05: 27th July 2003

Aston Villa on July 26th 2003.

The Villa Park event was fantastic without the LSQ. Consequently there is nothing to report on with respect to LSQ as there was no time to run it. As of today there is no venue established for the next event, so folks it will probably be in Yorkshire ASAP. Mark Kerr has indicated we will be welcome back at Rainhill, which is excellent, but I want to explore other venues so if you know one mail me.

Though it is nothing at all to do with this column, Villa Park was marvelous. This from a bloke who came last! The standard was fantastic and just to encourage me I had the privelege of marking the awesome Olag Bjormtoft's sheets. (He won with 81/120)

Discrete buzzer system required.

The LSQ Buzzer system and all the systems at Villa Park were perfect for team buzzer quizzes (i.e. 'A' versus 'B'). What we really want (for individual buzzer quiz) is a system which separates each buzz with a time, much in the same style as in an athletics event, where a gun starts the stopwatches, but lane judges stop each one. Does anybody know of one?

I have explored the following options:-

It would be reasonable to suppose a PC based system would be best as this could provide a large display via a projector along with time ordering and the multiplicity of other advantages afforded by software. Any thoughts are appreciated

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